Text of the article, summary, author(s) contact details (full address and e-mail) and list of illustrations should be submitted as separate Word documents (doc. or docx.).

MANUSCRIPTS should be typed in Times New Roman 12 point font (10 point for footnotes), and 1.5 spaced. TITLE should be typed in capitalized Times New Roman 12 point font. It should reflect the contents of the article. Fell free to use a subtitle as well. AUTHOR(S): Beneath the title, the full names of the authors and their affiliation should be submitted. ABSTRACT should contain between 100 and 200 words. KEY WORDS should be provided, no more than 10.

SUMMARY is an overview of the article, written in more detail than abstract (1 - 3 pages), and aimed to be translated to Serbian. It should contain the names of the authors(s), affiliation, title of the article and "Summary" as the subtitle.

ILLUSTRATIONS (photos, drawings, tables, graphs) should be submitted in a separate folder; each illustration should be numbered according to their appearance in the text. Photos should be in TIFF format, with minimum resolution of 600 dpi.


REFERENCES should be cited according to The Chicago Manual of Style, author-date system (http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html).  


All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed.


The papers should be submitted via one of the file hosting services (dropbox and others) to the e-mail address of the journal: archaica@f.bg.ac.rs .